4 Ways To Use The Word بس (bas) in Levantine Arabic

There is definitely more than one way to use the word بس (bas) in Levantine Arabic.

Read on to find out the 4 common ways!

#1) But

Think of it as the Ammiya version of لكن (MSA word for ‘but’).

بقدر ساعدك (أساعدك) بس لازم تدفعلي خمسين دولار

I can help you but you’ll have to pay me 50 dollars

(كل يوم بْتِبْعَت له رسائل بس ما بِرُد عليها (عليّا

She sends him messages every day but he didn’t reply to her

سمعت هالخبرمن أحمد بس مش (مو) متأكد إذا صح ولا لأ

I heard the news from Ahmad but I’m not sure if it is true or not


#2) The moment / Once/ When


**Note that in these sentences, it is possible to use لما (when) instead of بس

**Note that these sentences are in the present/future tense. Apparently, the word لما is preferred when describing the past. Using بس will make the sentence sounds unnatural.

بس نكبر رح نزور باريس مع بعض

Once we grow up, we will visit Paris together

رح أحجر تذكرة باتجاه واحد لتركيا بس أتخرج

The moment I graduate, I will book a one-way ticket to Turkey

بس توصل عالمكان, اتّصل عليّ

Once you reach the place, give me a call


#3) Only / Just

إنتَ بَس ضَلَّك تسمع كلامه، قُلتِلَّك رح يوَرطَك ما صدَّقتني

You just keep on listening to what he says…I told you that he will get you into trouble, but you didn’t believe me

(إنت بس ضلك تضحك عليّ…رح أفرجيك شي يوم (نهار

Just keep on laughing at me/ making fun of me…One day, I’ll show you who’s boss / I’ll get back at you

**The phrase رح افرجيك literally means “I’ll show you” but it is often said as a threat

بدي بس كيلو تفاح لو سمحت

I just want one kilo of apples, please

بس خمسين دينار؟ وين الباقي يا زلمة؟

Only fifty dinars? Dude, where’s the rest?



#4) That’s enough /Stop it / That’s it


خلص حاج تنقّ. لهون وبس

Enough, stop nagging. I’ve had enough

** The literal meaning of the phrase لهون وبس is “till here and only”. It is often said to show frustration and to indicate that the person has crossed the line.

بس يا ولد, حاج تبكي

That’s enough, son. Stop crying



That’s all for now…can you think of any other ways to use the word بس ?

If you do, let me know in the comment section below 🙂

Till then, take care and I’ll see you around in the hosh,



Learn Levantine Arabic Phrases: By mistake & On Purpose


Describing Ability and Inability in Levantine Arabic


  1. Boris

    Here’s an interesting video on this same small word

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