Tag: shami

Wahde Bteshbahek – Jadal | 13 verbs and an expression

Jadal is a famous Jordanian rock band. Like crazy famous so there’s really no need for any further description..

And I decided to choose this song called “Wahde Bteshbahek” because of the simplicity of the lyrics. In this post, you can learn 13 simple verbs and an expression.

So..ch ch ch check it out!

Wahde Bteshbahek, وحده بتشبهك – JadaL, جدل, Coke Studio بالعربي S03E03
Watch this video on YouTube.

Undocumented بدون قيد [Syrian]

Ahla w Sahla to my first post on a Syrian mosalsal!

This post is especially interesting since I have taken a clip from a Syrian mini-drama series that is unlike any others. The series is an interactive drama series where you can choose which character to follow in the beginning.

بدون قيد - كريم الحلقة 1 : على غفلة
Watch this video on YouTube.

I came across the series via an article published by the Middle East Eye. The whole series contains short clips under 5 minutes -which is great cause they are not that long. You can check out the article here 

Batalte Elli by ZAMAN Band | بطلتي الي You’re no longer mine…

Presenting to you, in this post, a song by ZAMAN Band…

According to their Facebook page, they describe themselves as “a Palestinian Band which combines beautifully Arabic music with Gypsy music.”

From that description itself, you could probably tell that they create awesome music. And they do 🙂

So I will be using their song, Batalte Elli بطلّتي إلي

There is so much to learn from the lyrics of this song alone. But for now, just sit back and enjoy the song.

ZAMAN Band - Batalte Elli فرقة زمن - بطلتي الي
Watch this video on YouTube.

Learn Spoken Arabic and explore stereotypes via an entertaining Jordanian series.


Let’s build our vocabulary and practice listening through clips that are available on YouTube. In this post, I will provide the transcript from various parts of Episode #12,  اختي [my sister] from the series رجائي كائن عدائي 

Background information:

The series explores the various negative behaviours/mindsets that are prevalent in society.

The title itself means “Rajae being hostile” or simply put “Rajae being a jerk” (Rajae is a famous Jordanian actor and comedian.)

I enjoyed watching the series when I first started learning Levantine Arabic. And I hope you will too!

The video:
#رجائي_كائن_عدائي: الحلقة الثانية عشر - أختي
Watch this video on YouTube.

 clip starts at 1:05