Keep Running: #01 Petra is Home

This is the first post of a series titled Keep Running [ضل اركض – dhol orkod]. Words are written by me. Many thanks to Diana and Rasheed for proofreading and editing it, as well as Yousef for providing an audio recording of the story. You guys rock 😎

I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.


البتراء هي الوطن

هو اليوم الاول من المسيرة والشمس مشرقة. الياس قاعد تحت الفي وساند ضهره على شجرة زيتون مع العنزة المفّضلة عنده و اللي سماها وردة

قبل شوي حّضر إلياس ابريق شاي ، وهلأ عم بيشف من كاسة الشاي على مهلو , بينما عم يطلع على المنظر اللي بالرغم من إنه كتير مألوف بس بياخد العقل. بيعتبر الياس شرب الشاي مع نعنع طقس مهم من طقوسه الصباحية و نادرًا ما يبلش يومو بدونو

نسمة هوا قوية طيرتو وإلياس على طول بيزبط كوفيتو الحمرا والبيضا اللي لاففها على راسو. بيمد اجريه بمحل مريح وما عم يحسن يفتّح عيونو من الشمس لما هو بتطلع على الافق. بعد شوي وبدون مايحس بّلش يفكر بجّدو المتوفي

متل ابوه وجده والكل اللي اجا قبلهم، انولد إلياس بالبتراء ومتلهم كمان بيعرف البتراء حجر حجر

كانو إلياس وجدو بحبو يقعدو سوا بالزبط بنفس المكان اللي قاعد فيه إلياس هلأ – تحت شجرة الزيتون . كانو يقعدو ويضحكو على السياح اللي مبينين متل النمل من فوق . من لما توفى جدو قبل سنتين فقد الياس رفيقو الغالي وهلأ ما عم يشارك هالمنظر غير مع العنزة تبعو اللي واقفة جنبو

قديش إلياس مشتاق لجدو و بضل بيتذكر الجملة اللي كان بيقولها جدو دايما – ولدت بالبتراء ورح اموت فيها

البتراء هي الوطن

احيانا بتساءل إلياس اذا في شي يوم رح يزهق ويمل من مدينة الورد الاحمر. ممكن يجي يوم و ازهق من المكان اللي بعتبره وطني طول عمري؟

وفجأة انقطع حبل افكارو لما سمع ابوه عم يصفرلو. “وينك يا ولد؟ قوم وتعال لهون! السياح جايين” صرخ ابوه بصوت عالي

إالياس بيشرب الباقي من كاستو الشاي بشّفة واحدة وبيمشي بسرعة لأسفل المنحدر الصخري مع وردة اللي عم تلحقو

هو متأكد إنو اليوم رح يكون يوم معجوق متل العادة. وبطريقه لتحت بيقدر يشوف السياح عم بيمشو على مهلهم باتجاه الشارع المعمد. عنجد أشكالهم متل النمل من فوق

نهاية الجزء الاول




Petra is home

It is the first day of March and the sun is shining brightly. Ilyas is sitting under the shade and leaning his back against the olive tree with his favourite goat that he named “Wardeh”.

A while ago, Ilyas had prepared a pot of tea and is now sipping slowly from his cup of tea, while gazing at the all too familiar yet breath-taking view. Ilyas considers drinking tea with mint an important morning routine and he rarely starts his day without it.

A strong breeze blew past his and Ilyas immediately adjusts his red and white keffiyeh that is wrapped around his head. He stretches out his legs in a comfortable position and he can barely open his eyes from the sun rays as he stares into the horizon. After a while and without realising it, he begins to think of his late grandfather.

Like his dad and grandfather and all that came before them, Ilyas was born in Petra and like them too, he knows Petra like the back of his hand.

Ilyas and his grandfather used to sit together at the exact spot that he is currently sitting at – under the olive tree. They used to sit and laugh at the tourists who appear like ants from above. Since the death of his grandfather two years ago, Ilyas lost a dear friend and now shares the view with no one else except his goat standing beside him.

Oh how Ilyas misses his grandfather so and is constantly reminded of the phrase that he always used to say: I was born in Petra and I will die in it too.

Petra is home.

Sometimes Ilyas wonders if there comes a day where he will get sick and tired of the red rose city. Perhaps there comes a day where I get bored of that place that I consider as home my entire life?

Suddenly, Ilyas’ train of thoughts was cut off when he heard his father whistling to him. “Where are you, boy? Come here. The tourists are coming!” shouted his father loudly.

Ilyas drinks the rest of his tea in one gulp and hurries quickly to the bottom of the rocky slope with Wardeh following behind him.

He is sure that today will be another busy day as usual. On his way down, he could see the tourists strolling towards the Colonnaded Street. They really do look like ants from above.

End of Part One.

PS: Like it? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below!

PSS: Now, anyone interested in drawing up some illustrations? 😜

The Inspiration


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