levantine arabic phrases expressions

In this post, you’ll learn 2 expressions in Levantine Arabic to describe all things gorgeous, mind-blowing or delicious!

The expressions are extremely common and they are especially handy when you want to describe how beautiful (or even delicious) something is but simple words like حلو/ حلوة (helu/helwe) or بيجنن / بتجنن (bijanen/bitjanen) just don’t suffice.

So without further ado, let’s dive in and check out the two expressions.


Expression #1:

بيطيّر العقل

bTayiir el3a2el

بتطيّر العقل

biTTayiir el3a2el

Literal meaning: (the item or person) causes the mind to fly (from the head)

Meaning: It’s awesome/gorgeous/mind-blowing etc


*Note: Use بطير العقل for describing a thing/people that are masculine and

بتطير العقل for describing things/people that are feminine or in the plural form.


Here are some examples:


 كتير بحب اشتري بهداك المحل لانو بيبيع فساتين بتطيّر العقل

I like to shop (buy) at that store because the dresses that they sell are so beautiful


نزّل احمد صورة بتطيّر العقل على الفيس بوك من رحلته الأخيرة على إسبانيا

Ahmed uploaded gorgeous photos of his recent trip to Spain on Facebook


ياعيني شو مهضومة هاي الصبية عنجد بتطيّر العقل

Omg [Ooh, my eye], how cute is this baby…she’s really gorgeous


المقلوبة عند هالمطعم كتير بتطيّر العقل, لازم تجربوها

The Maqluba at this restaurant is extremely delicious, you all got to try it!


غنية هبه طوجي الجديدة هي أحلى اغنية إلها, جد بتطيّر العقل

The new song by Hiba Tawaji has got to be her most beautiful song ever, it’s so awesome!



Expression #2:

بياخد العقل

Byaakhod el3a2el

بتاخد العقل

Btaakhod el3a2el

Literal meaning: (the item or person) takes the mind away

Meaning: It’s awesome/gorgeous/mind-blowing

*Note: Use بياخد العقل to describe things/people that are masculine and بتاخد العقل to describe things/people that are feminine or in the plural form.


Here are some examples:

امبارح شفت المغيب من غرفتي بالفندق وكان بياخد العقل

I saw a sunset from my hotel room yesterday and it was absolutely breath-taking


كل شي فيك بياخد العقل

Everything about you is stunningly beautiful


لما شافت لباس الأطفال اللي بياخد العقل وعليه تنزيلات, ما قدرت تمسك حالها واشترت شوية تياب لبنت اختها

When she saw the beautiful baby clothes that were on sale, she couldn’t resist and bought some clothes for her niece


كل المشاركين بهي المسابقة اصواتن (اصواتهم) بتاخد العقل

All of the participants in this competition have beautiful voices




مشاهدة فيلم محبس 2017 بجودة عالية
Watch this video on YouTube.


Check out a short scene (30:47 till 30:50) from Mahbas (a Lebanese film) where you’ll hear the expression #2 said by the actor.

So click on the clip (I have arranged it to start at 30:47) and listen carefully.

فعلا المشوار بياخد العقل

It was truly a great tour

المشوار بيسوى بصلة

The tour was shite

(Lit: the trip worths an onion = the trip worths nothing = the trip was useless/ a waste of time)


There are many expressions to describe something that is NOT amazing/gorgeous/delicious, and now you’ve learned how to say one of them.

So just think of onions the next time you encounter something unimpressive and is a waste of time.

Now, if you fast forward the clip to 35:34, you’ll hear the same expression again.

التبولة بتاخد العقل

The Tabbouleh (Salad) is delicious!


See how common this expression is? So make sure you remember these two simple expressions mentioned above and use them whenever the situation calls for it!

All in all, the two expressions can be said to describe everything that you find to be extremely beautiful, amazing or even delicious!


That’s it, folks! I hope that this post is useful.

Don’t forget to hit the share buttons so others can benefit as well.

Take care and I’ll see you in the hosh,
