من بنات افكار


Men Banat Afkaar


Although this expression has its roots in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) / Fusha, it is also used in Spoken Levantine Arabic. 


Literally: From the daughters of thoughts

Figuratively:  an original idea


انا كتير فخورة بحالي لانو هلأ خلصت اكتب روايتي الاولى اللي من بنات افكاري

ana ktiir fakhuur bi Hali la eno hala2 khalaset uktub riwaayatii el uwlaa elli men banat afkaarii

I’m so proud of myself because I’ve just completed writing my first novel that is based on my original thoughts.


الكاتب وقع بمشكلة ولازم روح عالمحكمة بعد ما كشفت الناس انو كل مسلسلات اللي كتبها هي مش من بنات افكارو

el kaateb wi3eq bi mushkila uu lazem ruuh 3al mahkameh ba3ad ma kashafat el nas eno kol musalsalat elli katabha hiye mesh men banat afkaaro

The writer got into trouble and had to go to court after people discovered that all the series he wrote were not original (and had been copied from elsewhere).


شو رايك نروح نعمل مقلب ل بابا ونقولو انوعملنا تاتو؟ :A

shu rayik nruuH na3mal maqlab la Baba uu n2uulo eno 3amelna tatoo?

What do you think of us doing a prank on Dad and tell him we got ourselves tattoos?

*Some Lebanese and Syrians say ضرب (Darab) instead of مقلب 

!هههه يا شاطرة, من وين جبتي انتي هاي الفكرة الرائعة اه؟ :B

hahaha yaa shatra, men wayn jibtii entii hai el fikrat el raa2i3ah ah?!

hahaha you clever girl, where from did you get this great idea?!

😀😀 من بنات افكاري :A

men banat afkaarii

I thought of it on my own 😀😀


I remember the first time my teacher said the expression, I could not get what she meant.

I was like:

مين هدول البنات؟

(Who are those girls?)


That’s it, folks! I hope you like this post.

Take care and I’ll see you around in the hosh.


P.S. #ALEF will not be posted every Friday but every now and then on Fridays. This is so that I can spend time providing a greater variety of posts 🙂

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