متل العالم  والناس


mtl l 3alam w l nes


Literally: like the world and its people


This post by Team Maha explains the expression well. Like what Team Maha said, the literal translation of العالم as ‘world’ is misleading because the word actually refers to human beings.

But not just “human beings” per se but decent, respectable and ordinary people.

In short,  the expression refers to “everyone else” or “like the rest of the world”.

The expression is commonly used in situations where basic life necessities are being deprived, for being outside the norm or simply for not being like “everyone else”.

As such, the expression is often used in a negative or not-so-positive situation.

Here are some examples as to how you can use the expression:



لازم اتعلم انجليزي متل العالم والناس

I have to learn (to speak) English like the rest of the world

*Using this expression hints at the tone of desperation for not knowing a language that is deemed as the universal language


هون مافي كهربا ولا ميّ ولا مازوت ولا غاز متل العالم والناس

There’s no electricity, no water, no Mazut (fuel oil), no gas here unlike the rest of the world

*This is the exact sentence that my Syrian friend who’s currently in Aleppo sent me a couple of weeks ago


امتى بدك تصير تعرف تطبخ متل العالم والناس؟

When will you learn to cook like everybody else?

*Some Syrians use the word ايمت (ey-mat) instead of امتى


حاج تلتهي واقعد ادرس متل العالم والناس

Stop being distracted and sit down and study like everyone else



That’s it, folks!

I hope you find this useful. If you do, hit the share buttons and spread the knowledge!

Take care and I’ll see you around in the hosh,


P.S Don’t forget to check out the rest of the ALEF series!