Hey guys!
الحب الحب is a recent Jordanian series featuring Rajae Qawas which got aired last year. Roya Comedy has uploaded snippets of each episode in its YouTube channel where you can check them out.
Short clips are sure a great way of squeezing in some listening practice into a busy schedule without being overwhelmed. The only annoying thing in the video is the background music…
Yallah, ready? Let’s go!
تيتة morning,ياسمينا
Yasmina, Morning teita
- It’s pretty common for elders to call their children/grandchildren the same term – eg: mama/baba/teita (although I find it pretty weird lol)
- Teita can either be spelled as تيتا or تيتة
ياللة حبيبتي قومي قومي ع الدوام
Yallah darling, get up for work
- Depending on the context, دوام can refer to both work and school
لأ لأ ما بدي ما بدي
No, I don’t want to
عندك دوام يالله حبيبتي قومي
You have work, yallah darling, get up
ما في دوام اليوم
No work today
ما في دوام ؟ كيف هادا؟ على اي اساس؟ يالله قومي قومي
No work? How is that so? On what basis? Yallah, get up, get up
على الأساس انا هيك قررت خلص تيتة
On the basis that I just decided not to (go to work). Enough, teita
هيك قررتي؟
Is this what you decided?
يا الله تيتة مشان الله سكريه
Oh God! Grandma, for God’s sake, close it
انتي قومي سكريه انا ما دخلني
You get up and close it, it’s none of my business
ياسمينا لأمتى بدنا نضل هيك تيتة
Yasmina, till when do we have to remain like this, teita?
هايني منيحة
Here I am – feeling great
صباح الخير
Good morning
صباح النور
Good morning
ياسمينا انتي هيك مقتنعة بشعرك؟
Yasmina, you’re satisfied with your hair?
- مقتنع/مقتنعة literally means “convinced”
هيك احسن؟
Is this better?
ياسمينا البابا اتصل ياسمينا, بسألني ليش ما تردي عليه
Yasmina, your father called. He asked me why didn’t you pick up his call
- Verb VIII to call/contact someone اتصل- بتصل
- Verb I to answer/respond رد – برد
لأني لو بدي ارد عليه كنت رديت عليه, مش طايقة احكي معو هاليومين
If I wanted to reply him, I would have done so.
I can’t stand to talk to him these days
وانتي متى كنتي طايقة تحكي معو؟
Since when were you able to tolerate talking to him?
- مش طايق \ مش طايقة – can’t stand/bear/tolerate something/someone
- Eg: I (male) can’t stand him – مش طايقو; I (female) can’t stand him – مش طايقتو
مشان الله تيتة هلأ مش وقته
For God’s sake, teita, now is not the time
حبيبتي هادا بابا وبضل بابا ما بيصيربتضلك تتجانبيه ما بيصير
My dear, your father remains your father. You can’t continue to avoid him, you simply can’t!
- ما بيصير = you can’t do that; it’s a no-no
- Verb VI to avoid تجانب – بتجانب
هدا بابا لما جاي ع باله, لما ما جاي ع باله انا مو موجدة بحياته
Father is only like this when he felt like so. If he do not feel like it, it is as if I do not exist in his life
بعرف بعرف حبيبتي معك حق بس قالي انو مشتاقلك, لازم تعطيه فرصة
I know darling, I know. You’re right. But he told me that he misses you. You have to give him an opportunity/chance
ان شاء الله لازم اطلع ع الشغل تأخرت
InshAllah (God willing). I have to go to work now, I’m already late
- Verb VI to be late تأخَر- بتأخر
لأ, تاكلي ساندويتشك بالأول
No, eat your sandwich first
تيتة والله مو جاء ع بالي
Teita, wallah, I don’t feel like it
ياسمينا انتي تعرفي شوبالنسبة الي الفطور خط احمر
Yasmina, you know how I feel with regards to breakfast – it’s a no- no
- خط احمر literally means “a red line” – thus a no-no/off limit/off topic etc
مشان الله مش وقته تكوني غريبة هلأ
For God’s sake, now is not the time for you to be weird
لأ وقتا وقتا وقتا تاكلي ساندويتش وتشربي شاي وبعدين بتروحي يالله يالله
No, it’s the time. Eat your sandwich and drink your tea. Only then you can go. Yallah
- Some Arabs (especially Syrians) would say وقتا instead of وقتها
Phrase of the day
- جاي على بالي – to feel like doing something
جاي على بالي اكل بيتزا
I feel like eating pizza
جاي على بالنا نروح على السينما
We feel like going to the cinema
**Add the negation (ما/مو/مش) and you’ll get the opposite**
- مو جاي على بالي – to not feel like doing something
مش جاي على بالي اروح على أي محل
I don’t feel like going anywhere
I hope you’ve learned a thing or two! As usual, let me know your thoughts in the comment section
Take care and I’ll see ya in the hosh,
I like this post very much..maybe your for next entry u can put transliteration so i know how to pronounce them correctly.
syoukran ala dars!
Hi Linda,
Thanks for commenting
Yeap for sure, will add the transliteration in the upcoming posts!