A few months ago, the Human Rights Watch released short snippets featuring video potraits of people from the LQBT community in the Middle East on their FaceBook page. I have specifically chosen those from the Levant (Jordan and Lebanon) and I will be providing the transcriptions in this post.
The topic may be controversial for some but my intention is to learn spoken Arabic. So reserve your judgements and let’s learn Levantine Arabic!
Ready? Yalla!
Elie from Lebanon:
وصار عمري تمنتعش سنة في حدا بالمجتمع بتعرف فيه عارف عني
When I turned 18, someone from my community found out about me
وخبر كل المحيط تبعي
and inform everyone in my circle about it
أصدقائي شغلي جامعة اهلي العايلة
my friends, work, university, parents, the family
وحتى الكنيسة اللي انا كنت عم بتردد اللا
and even the church that I used to frequent
وهيدا كان اصعب اسبوع في حياتي لانو
and this was the hardest week of my life because
لوقت كتير طويل كنت بعدني بقتنع انو هيدا الموضوع في الو غلط معين
for a long time, I was still convinced that this matter [being gay] was wrong
وصرت اقرا كتب عن النفس وكتب بيولوجيا
I started reading books about psychology and biology
لوصل النتيجة انو ما في خلل
till I reached the conclusion that there is no disorder/defect
ولكان لما قريت هول ابحاث العالمية
but when I read these international research
صرت متأكد اكتر انو لأ انا ما في اشي غلط
I became even more sure that no, there is nothing wrong
ما في اشي مش مزبوط او خلل
There is nothing that is not right or defective
لا نفسي ولا عقلي ولا جسدي ولا اي شي
not psychologically, mentally, physically or anything
انا انسان طبيعي
I am a normal human being
ولكن الميول والاحاسيس لعندي والانجذاب الى الأشخاص من نفس الجنس
but my inclination and feelings and attraction are towards people of the same sex
Khaled from Jordan:
كنت احس حالي وحيد
I used to feel alone
انو انا كتير وحيد في كل العالم
that I was the only one (gay person) in the world
reference ما كان في مراجع ما كان في
there weren’t any references
حتى المسلسلات كل شي محظور
even the TV shows were censored
الاشي وحيد كنت نسمع عنه بهاي الفترة انو متلا
the only thing we used to hear about at the time was that…for example,
بمصر كان في اعتقالات
there were arrests in Egypt
او الناس اللي كانو ينقتلوا بالعراق
or people were killed in Iraq
واللي بسجن في سوريا ويشنقوا علنا بايران
and people imprisoned in Syria and publicly hang in Iran
ف على طول كنت اربط انو حرام غلط ما مش لازم حدا يعرف عيب
so immediately I get the impression that [being gay] was forbidden, wrong, nobody should know, it was shameful
طريقة التفكيرتبعتي تغيرت مع السنين
my way of thinking changed with time
يعني رفضت انو انا استحي
I refused to be ashamed
بعد فترة حكيت لواحد من اعز اصدقائي
after a while, I told one of my closest friends
كان قلتلو انو انا مثلي
I told him that I am gay
“مستحيل ما بصدق”
“impossible, I don’t believe you”.
“بعدين بعد فترة قولي “صح انا بحبك زي ما انت ما بيهمني ايش انت
then after a while, he told me “I love you the way you are, I don’t care what you are”.
“قلتلو “اوكي تمام
I said “okay, good”.
Hamed from Lebanon:
اسمي حامد سينو بعمل موسيقى بغني بفرقة اسما مشروع ليلة بلبنان
My name is Hamed Sinno, I’m a musician, I sing in a band called Mashrou Leila from Lebanon
queer وانا
and I’m queer
بطبيعة الحال لما كنت بالمدرسة
Naturally, when I was in school
كان فيه كتير تنمر وتمسخر
there were bullying and mockery
على الاشياء يلي كنت مهتم فيه
over the things that I was interested in
متل موسيقى متل الغنا
like music and singing
كإنو مسخ
As if I was a freak
ما كنت افهم بوقتا انو هيدا شي مش غلط فيي
I didn’t understand at that time that there was nothing wrong with me
هيدا شي غلط بناس يلي حوالي
that instead what was wrong was the people around me
لمجرد مع اني صرت اتعرف عن حالي
till the point that I started introducing myself
كشخص ثائبت انو رجل بيحب رجال
as a person who just happens to love men
وحسيت كأنو هيدا شال عبئ هائل عني
I felt as if a huge burden was lifted off me
لحتى بس بيني وبين نفسي منقدر نتقبل هيدا شي
just by being able to accept the matter between me and myself
صعب هيدا شي خاصة لما بعدنا صغار بالعمر
It’s hard especially when we are still young
وبيضلو صعب بس بيصير اسهل
and it stays hard, but it gets easier
Norma from Lebanon:
انا ما حسيت حالي بنتمي للمجتمع يلي كنت خلقانة فيه
I never felt that I belong in a society that I was born in
انا دايما كان يحطو علي قيود وشروط معينة
They were restrictions and conditions placed on me
يعني من انا وصغيرة
since I was small
ليش هلضحكة بصوت عالي هيك ؟ ,feminine ليش هلقد
Why are you so feminine, why do you laugh so loud?
barbieليش ما تلعب إلا مع بنات ليش تلعب بال
Why do you play with girls? Why do you play with barbie?
وبس اكتشفت كمان وبس عبّرت
When I discovered and expressed
وبس اعلنت عن هويتي الجندرية
and announced my gender identity
كمان ما كان في كتير تقبل ,كان في شوي رفض
there was not much acceptance, there was some rejection.
“?trans انو “انت بدك تكوني
“you want to be trans?”
دقنك شو رح تعملي فيها
What will you do with your beard?
كتافك العراض شو رح تعملي فين
What will you do with your broad shoulders?
اصابيعك التخان شو رح تعملي فين
What will you do with your thick fingers?
بعتقد من لما صارو يقولو صار جلدي تخين
Since they started talking, I developed a thick skin
من كترما سمعت اشيا وقطع علي اشيا بحياتي
from a lot of things I heard and went through in life
يعني خلص صار متل نقطة المي بتيجي علي وبتنزل
I mean that’s it, it became like water, it come and fall [off my skin]
حقوقك هي حقوقي وواجباتك هي واجباتنا
We all have rights, we all have responsibilities
تنيناتنا مناكل تنيناتنا منشرب تنيناتنا منّام تنيناتنا منشتغل
Both of us eat, drink, sleep and work
الاشي ممكن يختلف عني وعنك هو ممكن الميول الجنسية
What may be different between you and me is perhaps our gender orientation
ممكن مع مين بفضل نام او شو بفضل البس
maybe with who I prefer to sleep with or what I prefer to wear
To hear more of such voices, check them out here
Sooo what do you think about this post? Do you have any questions about the usage of specific words? Let me know in the comment section below 🙂
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P.S.S Want to get real serious at learning Levantine Arabic and in need of a darn good book? Check out my review of a book that has helped me tremendously in my learning journey here
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