شو يعني ايمت الحفلة؟ الحفلة كانت اِمْبارِح يا زلمة. والله راحَت عليك

What do you mean “when’s the party”? Dude, the party was yesterday. You missed it!


ماما طبختلك اكلتك المفضلة عالعشا بس راحت عليك لانك رجعت متأخر

Mom cooked your favourite dish for dinner but since you came back late…too bad, you missed it!


انا آسفة لانو جيت متأخرة بس راحت علي نومة

I’m sorry I came late but I overslept


احمد رسب في امتحاناتو الاخيرة لانو راحت عليه نومة

Ahmad failed his final exams because he overslept


That’s it, folks!

I hope you find this post useful. I’ll be putting up the audio recording of the sentences examples by a native speaker real soon.

Take care & I’ll see you around in the hosh,


P.S. You’ll be doing me a huge favour if you could spread the word about theLevanTongue to your friends learning Levantine Arabic 🙂

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