Learn Levantine Arabic Everywhere & Anywhere 

Today’s Topic: Be stubborn, be persistent, be yourself


Marhaba y’all

Learn Levantine Arabic E&A is simply a series where I post random clips I find online and provide the Arabic transcript, English translation as well as insights into some phrases if necessary.

The idea is that one can learn the language from any type of sources, thus the phrase ‘everywhere and anywhere’. Also, it is a good opportunity to learn vocabulary from a specific topic each time

So for this second post of Learn Levantine Arabic E&A, I’ve chosen two clips about two women from Lebanon who shared their experiences surrounding the difficulties they faced for simply being a woman in their country.

I came across the videos after watching a few episodes from an animated show called بميت راجل that is available on Youtube. The show was part of an initiative to shed light on the various issues faced by women in society.

Also, if you haven’t had the chance to check out the first post of the Learn Levantine Arabic E&A series, you can do so here.

Ok, yalla, let’s go!

VIDEO #01:


#BeYourself - Maysan Nassar
Watch this video on YouTube.


مرحبا اسمي ميسان ناصر

Hello, my name is Maysan Nasser

sidewalk Beirut شاعرة, خريجة علم نفس ومسرح ومؤسسة ومديرة بالمشورع

A poet, a graduate in psychology and theater, founder and organiser of the project, Sidewalk Beirut

حليا عم بعمل ماجستير بكتابة إبداعية عبر الحدود ودبلوم بعلم النفس تعليم

I’m currently doing a Masters in Creative Writing Across Border and a diploma in educational psychology

اذا بدي احكي عن الصراعات اللي بوجهها في المجتمع العربي كإمراة

If I were to talk about the challenges that I faced in the Arab society as a woman,

فهي معظم تتعلق باثبات وجود

then, most of them relate to having to prove oneself

فانا بصارع يوميا, بعتقد متل معظم النساء

So I struggle every day, I suppose like most women

لأثبت وجودي كإنسان, ك كيان وليس مجرد جسم

to prove myself as a human, as an entity and not just a body

كشخص بيستحق يحصل على الفرص اللي هو تعب ليحصلا

As a person who deserves the opportunities that she worked hard for

وكشخص بيستحق يعامل بنفس الطريقة

and as a person who deserves to be treated the same way

بيعامل فيها كرجل بالمجتمع

as a man treated in society

صفاتي منيحة اللي بحبا بنفسي هي العند

The good things (characteristics) that I love about myself are my stubbornness

 انا شخص كتير عنيد بعتقد هي واحدة من اشياء للي بضل بتدفعني لقدام

I am someone who is very stubborn, and I believe that this has always pushed me forward in life

انا شخصة كتير عندي اسرار

I am someone who is very persistent

يعني بصر بصر لحد ما وصل لشي اللي بدي اياه

I keep persisting until I get what I want

واهمن بعتقد هي اني شخص بيطرح كتير اسئلة

and most importantly, I am someone who throws out many questions

وما باخد اي شي كمستلم فيه

and I don’t take any of them for granted

شكة دائم. تشكيك بمعطيات

Constant doubt. I’m critically doubtful of everything (data/information)

وهيك صفة فيني

this is my most important trait

وشي للي يدفعني للامام

and it is also something that pushes me forward

وكتير فخورة باربعة وعشرين سنة عشتن على الارض لهلا باشياء اللي انجزتا

I’m very proud of the 24 years I spent on earth so far, the things I have achieved

اسّست مشروع او منتدى بالاحرى وصارلو اربعة فروعة بأنحاء لبنان وفرع بايطاليا

I founded an initiative or a forum that has branched out into 4 branches, all over Lebanon and a branch in Italy

رح ينفتح فرع تانية قريبا

and there will be one opening up soon

نشرت كتاب من اول..اول كتاب من حوالي تلات تشهور. لاقى صدى كتير منيح

I published my first book three months ago, it was very well received

عم بتبع شغفي وعم حاول اني وصل لمحل بالحياة

I am growing my passion and trying to get to a point in my life where

 كون راضية عن الحياة اللي عم بقودا

I am satisfied with the life I’m leading

اذا فيني اعطي نصيحة لأي إمرأة عربية

If I were to give advice to an Arab woman,

بتكون هي ما تسمحي لنفسك تصدقي توقعات المجتمع منك او مخاوفك

it would be to not allow yourself to believe society’s expectations of you or your fears

لانو غالبا بتكون كاذبة

because these are often misleading (fake)

وغالبا بتكون ما جاية منك

and often imposed upon you [often, they did not come/originate from you]

فعرفي تميزي بين التنين

so, know how to differentiate between the two

وكوني…لا تكوني قنوعة

and be…don’t be pleased (convinced)

كوني عنيدة يعني اذا في شي بدك ياه

Be stubborn. If there is something that you want

 كوني عنيدة لانو باخر النهار الحقيقة الصعبة اللي منتقبلا هي انو نحنا اذا ما حاولنا نوصل للحياة يلي بدنا ياها

be stubborn because, at the end of the day, the hard truth is that if we didn’t try to accomplish the life that we want,

ما في حدا نلومو غير نفسنا

then there is no one to blame for that except ourselves

فاصري كوني عنيدة ودايما اطرحي اسئلة

so, insist, be stubborn, and always ask questions

لانك انتي عنجد باخر نهار بتستاهلي تعيشي الحياة اللي بدك اياة

because eventually, you deserve to live the life that you want

ما تخلي اي حدا يقنعك غير هيك

don’t let anyone convince you otherwise

انا مش بميت راجل, انا قد حالي

I’m not worth a hundred men, I’m just myself


VIDEO #02:

#BeYourself - Rima Ham
Watch this video on YouTube.

مرحبا انا اسمي ريما من لبنان

Hello, my name is Rima and I’m from Lebanon

انا بشتغل مدرس رقص بمشروع مُمول لدعم نساء لبنانيات

I work as a dance teacher in a project funded for supporting Lebanese women

وهو عبارة عن نادي رياضي

It is basically a sports club

خلالو حبيت انقل تجربت مع رقص واليوغا

through which, I wanted to share my experience in dance and yoga

ونقلتا وشاركتا مع النساء

and I managed to do so, and I shared it with many women

مصرة لانقلا لعدد اكبر واكبر وبعدني مستمرة

I insist on sharing it with many more, and I’m still persisting

لكن الآمل موجود. ومتل ما بيقولوا دايما ما رح نكون متشائمين

But there is hope. Like I always say, we will not despair

بعتبره فعلا هو مصدر قوتي واستمراريتي

I believe this is truly my source of strength and persistence

وانا متلي متل كل النساء بالعالم العربي

Like many other women in the Arab world,

تعرضت لانواع العنف – منا جسدي, منا نفسي

I have been subjected to different types of violence, physical and mental

ما رح جيب سيرتن هلا

But I won’t talk about them now

بعدني بتعرض لمضايقات قمع ممنوعة اعبر عن رائي

I still get subjected to harassments, oppression, inability to express my opinion

ممنوعة عيش وجودي كمرأة

I am unable to express myself as a woman

للاسف هيدا الوقع عند العربي يعني

Sadly, this is the reality in the Arab world

بس انا مصرة لعيش حقيقتي, لعيش وجودي بكل معنى الكلمة

But I’m persistent to live as who I truly am, to live by my existence in all sense of the word

اذا كانت ثقافات الرجل بتتميز بقطع [بمقاطعة] إمرأة بتتحدث وبرفض المبادرات لانو مصدرها إمرأة

If our patriarchal culture is distinguished/characterised by interrupting women from speaking and refusing initiatives just because they are created by women

*So, I was told by my Syrian friend that the word بقطع is inaccurately used and instead the word should be بمقاطعة

فانا ما بدي اكون جزء من هي الثقافة نهائيا

then I do not want to be part of that culture after all

انا مرأة قوية لانو ولا مرة قبلت كون ضحية ولا رح كون ضحية, ما ببقبل

I’m a strong woman because I have never accepted being the victim. And I never will, I will not accept that

لاني دايما بعيش على حقيقتي وعيش على حقيقتي

Also because I have always been true to myself and I always will

لاني كمان واقفة على مرايتي النفسية دايما باستمرار

Because I stand in front of my mirror, always keeping my head high,

دايما دايما بارادة حديدية وبتمنى كلنا هيك نكون سوا

always, always with a robust (iron) willpower, and I hope we can all unite together

كلنا عنا ارادة حديدي

All of us with a strong willpower

انا مش بميت راجل, انا قد حالي

I’m not worth a hundred men, I’m just myself


بميت راجل


This phrase is from an Egyptian expression called ست بميت راجل which translates to “a woman worth a hundred men”. And it is often said in situations where a woman actually stands up for her rights.

For further explanation, I would like to quote from this article which sums up the problem with such an expression:

As for the name, B100Ragl is an Egyptian expression qualifying influential and accomplished women that are said to be worth 100 men, and Qureshi hopes the show can provide a platform to many such women.

“When it comes to media and women’s empowerment, there is a common misconception that we need to empower women to use their voice,” she says. “We often forget that women already have a voice and more often than not, they just need a platform to be heard.


That’s it, folks!

As usual, let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.

And don’t forget to share the post if you find it useful!

Till then, take care and I’ll see you around in the hosh,


P.S. Here’s a tip: Read aloud the transcript and practice, practice, practice till you find yourself narrating it in a natural and casual manner! 🙂