Tag: syrian arabic

How To Say “Still” In Levantine Arabic

Welcome to the first post of the How To Say series where we’ll explore all the little words in Levantine Arabic that are often overlooked yet make all the difference.

And the first word is…”still”!

Learn Levantine Arabic Phrases: By mistake & On Purpose

levantine arabic phrases

Learn Syrian Slang Phrases from Hilarious Youtuber Amr Maskoun

You probably have heard of Amr Maskoun, a hilarious Syrian YouTuber/Comedian.

Now, while he’s no doubt really funny, his videos are not the easiest to comprehend for non-natives.

So in this post, I will share four of my favourite clips. They are all around a minute long.

And there are tons of Syrian slang phrases that you can learn from them.

Some of the phrases are quite unkind and harsh…but if you’re learning a spoken language, you got to learn all of them, eh? Both the good and the bad.

Ready? Let’s go!