learn levantine arabic phrases


You can think of the Arabic phrase as the English equivalent of “I got an issue with …” or “I have a thing for…”.

The phrase can be used either in a negative manner or in a not-so-negative manner. It all depends on the context.

Note that in order to use this phrase correctly, it must be accompanied with a long explanation about the issue or thing that you’re having. 

In other words, the phrase is often said at the start of the conversation or as a response to a question and must be elaborated with a backstory. 

This is because the literal meaning of the phrase is “My story with (the matter) is a story of its own”.


Here are some examples:

**All of the sample sentences must be further accompanied with an elaborated explanation in order to use the phrase accurately. 



(negative contexts)

…انا قصتي قصة مع الموبايلات… كل ما بشتري واحد بيخرب. مثلا مبارح

I got an issue with mobile phones. Every time I purchase one, it malfunctions. For example, yesterday…

…انا قصتي قصة مع الرفقات… دايما بتعرف على الشخص الغلط .بتتذكر لما

I have an issue with making friends. I’m always getting into bad company (Literal: I’m always getting to know the wrong person). Do you remember when…

…انا قصتي قصة مع القطط…بخاف منهن (منهم). من لما كنت صغير

I have an issue with cats…I’m afraid of them. Since I was young…


(not-s0-negative contexts)

ليش كل تيابك حمرأ؟

Why are all your clothes red in color?

…انا قصتي قصة مع اللون الأحمر. من لما كنت صغيرة

I have a thing for the colour red. Ever since I was young…


..(قصتي مع باريس بالشتا قصة. زرت بارس اربعة مرات وآخر مرة اللي كنت هنيك (هناك

I have a thing for Paris in the winter. I visited Paris four times and the last time I was there…



It is important to note that the true meaning of the phrase is that there is a long and/or complicated story to be told. 

Take a look at the sample conversation below.

شو صار مع محمد بمشكلته؟

What happened to Muhammad and his problem?

…الله يعينه…والله هالموضوع قصته قصة

May God help him…Man, it’s a long and complicated story…

(Literal: the story of the matter is a story on its own)



That’s it, folks!

So what’s your story? Let me know in the comment section below.

Till then, take care and I’ll see you around in the hosh,
